Matendo lyrics by Evelyn Wanjiru
#MatendoLyrics by Evelyn Wanjiru#Skiza code 7241662 Chorus:Matendo yako yanatisha x2 ( Your deeds are awesome)Matendo yako Baba yanatisha tisha Baba wee.(Your deeds are awesome Father) Verse 1:Nimesikia habari zako(I have heared more about you)Nashuhudia kazi zako(Am witnessing your work)Yote umetenda ni ishara kwamba wewe ni Mungu(all you have done it is a sign that you […]
The harvest
The harvest is always more than the seed , whatever you sow today be sure to harvest it , I pray that we will sow good deeds and enjoy the plentiful harvest in our lives. #Godhelpus #Nikufahamu
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Mungu Mkuu Lyrics by Evelyn Wanjiru

Mungu Mkuu Lyrics by Evelyn Wanjiru (Sung in Swahili) Chorus: Zaidi ya yote (Above it all) Utabaki kuwa Mungu mkuu (You’ll remain Almighty God) Alfa na Omega (Alpha and Omega) Hubadiliki kamwe (You the One that never changes) Nikitazama nyuma na mbele (Before me and behind me) Naona ukuu wako (I see your greatness) Kaskazini, […]
Nikufahamu Lyrics by Evelyn Wanjiru

NIKUFAHAMU LYRICS by Evelyn Wanjiru. ”Nikufahamu zaidi Bwana,Nikujue zaidi Yesu,Nikufahamu zaidi Yahwe,Nikuishie milele Bwana -Nataka Nitembee na wewe wakati wote,Nitembee kwa Nuru yako Baba,Nishirikiane na wewe kwa kila jambo,Ongoza hatua zangu ewe Baba,Ongoza hatua hatua hatua zangu Wewe ni Mume wa WajaneBaba wa Yatima,mfariji wa waliofiwa,Mtetezi wa wanyonge,Huwaponya waliovunjwa mioyo mioyo,Nakuziganga Jeraha zao,babaHao wote tegemeo lao […]